Employees using work email on third-party websites like social media, email services, banking, and travel sites.
Most employees use the same passwords for various services like SaaS business applications thus increasing the damage from a single compromised credential.
Small and medium-sized businesses consider cybersecurity events costly, thus putting them at a high cybersecurity risk
Over 75% of victims learn about their compromised credentials used in criminal activities when it’s too late, and through third parties like the law enforcement
Regular web browser software cannot access Dark Web content. The content is hosted on overlay networks and uses a completely different network addressing system for increased anonymity, privacy, and security. However, it is also perfect for criminals to conduct risky and fraudulent activities, especially for the finance department.
Employees using work email on third-party websites like social media, email services, banking, and travel sites.
Our critical alerts for breaches of the business domain and employee credentials let you quickly reset passwords and resolve security gaps.
Using the same passwords across multiple platforms increases cybersecurity risks. We show how to prevent the reuse of passwords.
We connect to multiple Dark Web software and hardware services to search for the credentials and avoid your directly relating to these high-risk services